
Silence | Leaving Space for Healing

Silence is actually quite an effective tool in the therapeutic space. It allows for thinking,…

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Veteran’s Day | Remembering the Impact of Military Service

Strange.  I am a Veteran and until a few weeks ago I had never thought…

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Parenting: Using Unstructured Time to Support Learning & Development

Last month I wrote a little bit about the adolescent’s struggle for control, and being…

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Flower Essences: A Perfect Complement to Therapy

When we are faced with major challenges in life, many of us wisely reach to…

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Unmotivated + Uninspired…How to Shake it Up!

Stale, stagnant, bored, blasé, dull, disinterested, unmotivated… What do you do when this describes your…

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October: Domestic Violence Awareness Month

As the month of October begins to wind down, let us not forget that one…

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Thoughts on Body Image After Baby

Having a positive body image in a world of magazines that are airbrushed and Facebook…

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Thoughts on Control | A Blog about Anxiety & Depression in Teens

In a recent article in Psychology Today, Peter Gray, research professor at Boston College, reveals…

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Making Time | A Blog About Self-Care

I don’t know about you, but on a normal day, this is what happens to…

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