What is positive body image? (And how do I get it?)
Body image is something we all have. We all have awareness of our bodies in…
Friendship Breakups: Let’s normalize it.
Let’s face it, friendship breakups happen and they are normal to experience. Additionally, they can…
Psychological Flexibility: One Approach to a More Mindful, Values-Driven Life
Psychological flexibility is a term used to describe the process of adapting to challenges by…
Open Dialogue in the Therapeutic Relationship
The Importance of the Therapeutic Alliance Individuals attending therapy commit to a professional relationship…
Noticing: A quick guide for parents to See the Good in their children
“Noticing” is a parenting tactic that asks parents to actively notice and acknowledge out loud…
Journal Prompts for Transitioning Seasons
With each change of season, we can find ourselves presented with an opportunity to pause,…
5 Helpful Skills for Parenting Teenagers
Let’s face it, parenting teenagers can be a difficult job. They are facing the developmental…
Abortions: Let’s Talk About Them
Nearly one in four women will have an abortion at some point in their life….
Values: What Are they Good For? Absolutely Everything!
“Values are like fingerprints. Nobody’s are the same, but you leave them all over everything…