Parent Workshop: Supporting Your Anxious Child
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Learn how to conquer anxiety!
Join Rachel Kusilek, MA, LPCC to discuss how worry works in the brain, how it shows up in families, how we (unknowingly) contribute to the worry cycle and how best to support our children with facing worry effectively.*
Monday, May 2nd, 6-7:30pm
*In-person event
Wild Tree White Bear Lake Office
If you have a child whose anxiety has become a controlling monster keeping them from doing what they want and stealing their joy – this is the workshop for you! Caregivers will learn where anxiety begins and why it tends to generalize and intensify without effective interventions. Specific information will be shared about how well-meaning adults contribute to children’s anxiety and caregivers will leave with new tools to help children battle and win against anxiety. This workshop is for caregivers feeling frustrated and overwhelmed by their children’s need to know everything about an upcoming event, endless “what if” questions, difficulty in entering unfamiliar situations, and battling to avoid daily tasks.
$35 per household
Pre-registration required
Best suited for parents of kids 4-14 years old
*Based on the work of Lynn Lyons.
Photo by Victoria Borodinova