
Letter to Clients re: Resuming In-Person Services

Dear Clients, While telemedicine is still the preferred method of treatment, at this time, clinicians…

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Self-Care: Building Your Toolbox

The topic of “Self-Care” is on repeat in many of my sessions. So, what does…

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Yoga to Calm the Body and Mind: Benefits and 5 Steps to Help You Get Started

Yoga is a great way to connect with yourself mentally and physically. In hard times…

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The Power of Ritual

I just attended my first funeral during the current pandemic; not as a result of…

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Self-Care: Prioritizing Your Needs

Maybe it’s the season, but I’ve noticed a lot of time spent and conversations had…

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Connecting with Yourself: Journaling Prompts & Writing Exercises

When facing challenges, it can be helpful to take some time to connect with ourselves….

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The Mental Benefits of Prayer

As a practicing Christian I often engage in prayer as a way to feel connected…

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To Our Dear Clients | COVID-19

Dear Clients of Wild Tree Psychotherapy, Although we do not wish to perpetuate any hysteria surrounding…

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Lifehacks for Tough Days and a Healthier Life

Lifehacks to Help You Reset After a Tough Day and Turn Into Habits for a…

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