Winter Blues? No Prob, Bob

Winter is gorgeous and fun. It can also be really difficult: It’s cold, car doesn’t start, and you forget your mittens and wonder if your right index finger will ever be the same. The nights get longer and the days get colder. We get a little sadder but only because the sun waves goodbye before we even get out of our offices or finish school for the day.

The Winter Blues are characterized by mild depressive symptoms: lack of motivation, low mood, low energy, mild loss of interest that many people experience during the colder months. Let’s work on taking time to fight the blues of winter and stay upbeat or at the very least moderately pleasant during our four to six month marathon:

  1. Exercise: relieve the stressors of life. Get those endorphins and then take a shower. You will have more energy and your mood gets a lift.
  2. Eat the Good Stuff: Mood and energy are directly correlated to what you do and do not eat. Why not practice getting some nutrients? Kale is very trendy right now so go for it (just make sure to get some citrus in so you can absorb all that green goodness).
  3. Seek the Sun: Vitamin D? Yes please. Sunlight also improves mood. As the winter peaks we tend to spend less time outdoors but you will never know rejuvenation like trekking through the snow with the sun reflecting off its surface. Talk about a boost! And when you’re done? More kale! (or not, just trekking is good too)
  4. Act on Your Resolutions: Not just the new year kind but any commitment you may have had. When people follow through on their commitments they actually feel much better. Make a vision board (they’re also very popular right now).
  5. Avoid Mood Altering Substances: The thing about mood altering substances is that they alter your mood. Please be mindful regarding any recreational choices. A glass of wine may be perfectly ok during our social engagements, however, overindulging creates a different kind of winter flu and wastes time in the recuperation process.
  6. Treat Yourself: Having something to look forward to can actually keep you motivated! Plan something exciting: a weekend trip, spa day, girls night, bro bonding, community connection, progressive dinner party, hockey game, movie night. Having something that you are anticipating amps up all the feel good emotions.
  7. Relax: Life is busy. Practice doing nothing. Read a book, take a bath, watch a classic film, have a nice dinner, do some yoga, meditate, pray, write, practice affirmations. Do not make lists, do not “be productive” do not try to “get that closet cleaned out.” That is a Spring activity it can wait while you things that are aimed at increasing your sense of rest.
  8. Embrace Winter and it’s Beautiful Glory: Winter can really be wonderful. There are many things to do and things to see. Remember that all indoor activities that are available in the summer still exist in the winter and the outdoors are plentiful. Go winter camping, snowshoeing, hiking, skating, downhill skiing, cross country skiing, build a snowman, make snow angels, catch snowflakes on your tongue, have snowball fight, build a fort, make sculptures, decorate your house to reflect your season, go sledding, try snowboarding (it is so hard but people do it), drink warm beverages, sit by a fireplace, snuggle with your pets, kids, significant other, window shop, put together a 2,000 piece puzzle of Cinque Terre. See? So so so much to do in winter!
  9. Rely on your Supports: Never underestimate the power of social connections during winter months. Just can’t tolerate NOT complaining? Phone a friend who will encourage you, invite you out to coffee or come over and offer a shoulder or a hug or a kind word.
  10. Sleep: There is a reason bears do this the whole time. It is amazing! Take naps, sleep in, hit that snooze button. Go ahead hit it twice, thrice, it’s winter after all.

Written by Emily Carlson, MA

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