Journal Prompts for Transitioning Seasons

With each change of season, we can find ourselves presented with an opportunity to pause, reflect, and connect with ourselves and what gives us meaning. The changes around us can bring attention to our inner worlds; they too may be changing or we might notice that they are shifting less than the world around us.

As we adjust to the seasonal changes around us, we can explore the ways that we also move with or like the seasons and honor our own transitions. May these journal prompts give you space to listen to and learn from yourself.

What does the change of seasons mirror in your own life?
What supports you in finding ease and acceptance in the midst of change?
What lessons learned in a previous season resonate with what you might need in upcoming months?
What is needing to be released or set down?
Is there anything you want to put more energy toward during this season or anything you want to put less energy into?
How will you nourish yourself this season?
How has your life felt more aligned following a change?


Just like the seasons become more of themselves, we can too.



Blog by Maria Heaney, MA
Photo by Eugene Golovesov via Pexels